Opening A Donor Advised Fund

With an initial contribution of $10,000 or more, you can establish a new donor-advised fund (DAF) account with the AV Foundation.

Review the DAF Guide. This document will provide you with an overview of our DAF program and policies.


Complete the Donor Application. After you have had a chance to review the DAF Guide, email us to complete the Donor Application. Through this process, you’ll name your new DAF, identify joint and secondary advisors, recommend an investment strategy and design a Legacy Plan.


Contribute to your DAF. The contribution agreement will include specific instructions for how to initiate a transfer of assets to your new DAF account. To access this agreement, reach out to us today! You can have a DAF setup and funded within a matter of days.


Stay Connected. Because the AV Foundation handles the back-office for your DAF, we will supply you with quarterly statements and opportunities to learn and invest your charitable dollars for even grater impact!


Get in touch.