Donor Advised Funds

Empowering your Philanthropy

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is widely regarded as one of the most tax-efficient ways to manage your philanthropic efforts. 

A DAF is a charitable giving account set up within a public charity, which acts as the “sponsoring organization” responsible for managing and administering individual DAF accounts.

With a DAF, donors can make charitable contributions, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.

Donors have the flexibility to contribute to the fund as often as they wish and recommend grants to their preferred charities whenever it aligns with their philanthropic goals. This approach allows donors to give when it is most convenient and distribute funds when the need arises.

At AV Foundation, we're committed to enhancing and expanding philanthropy within society.

As a 501(c)(3) public charity, we provide expert guidance to donors, foundations, and financial advisors, helping them realize their charitable aspirations through our flexible and personalized donor-advised funds (DAFs).

Why Choose AV Foundation?

Flexibility & Agility

We offer tailored approaches to both grantmaking activities and investment portfolios.


We prioritize helping you understand the impact you want to make in the world and for your family.

Collaborative Impact

We foster a sense of community around each challenge, creating opportunities for DAF holders to amplify their impact together.

Maximize Your Giving Potential

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) have gained popularity largely due to their flexibility, allowing donors to contribute in a manner that best suits their timing, preferences, and objectives. There are several reasons why individuals opt for a DAF as their preferred philanthropic vehicle. One key advantage is that DAFs offer a tax-efficient means to establish a charitable legacy.

The benefits of using a DAF include

Enjoy immediate tax benefits while planning your long-term giving strategy

  • Contribute a wide range of assets, including cash, stocks, and real estate

  • Grow your charitable dollars tax-free

  • Simplify your giving with streamlined grantmaking and administration

  • Create a lasting charitable legacy aligned with your values

Tax Advantages of a Donor-Advised Fund

Using a donor-advised fund (DAF) can be a highly tax-efficient strategy for your philanthropic giving.

  • Since contributions to a DAF are considered gifts to a public charity, you are eligible for a tax deduction in the calendar year the contribution is made. Cash donations via check or wire transfer can typically be deducted up to 60% of your adjusted gross income (AGI), with the option to carry forward unused deductions for up to five years.

    By controlling when you contribute to your DAF, you can strategically manage the timing of your tax deductions while planning future grant distributions to your chosen charities.

  • DAFs can help reduce your tax burden in a windfall year, such as when receiving an inheritance, selling a business, or experiencing significant market gains. By making a charitable contribution to your DAF during such a year, you can take an immediate tax deduction, lowering your taxable income. This approach allows you to pre-fund years of charitable giving from a single high-income event, while distributing the grants over time.

  • Donating appreciated assets, such as publicly traded securities, directly to your DAF is a particularly tax-efficient strategy. Securities held for more than one year can be donated at their fair market value without incurring capital gains taxes. This is more beneficial than liquidating the assets and donating the proceeds, which would be reduced by capital gains taxes. Donors can take an immediate tax deduction of up to 30% of their AGI for gifts of appreciated securities, mutual funds, real estate, and other assets, with a five-year carry-forward deduction for contributions exceeding AGI limits.

  • The assets in your donor-advised fund can be invested and potentially grow tax-free before being granted out to charities. As the market value of your DAF increases, so does the amount available for grantmaking. Importantly, while you receive an immediate tax deduction for contributions to your DAF, any growth within the fund is not subject to taxes, as the assets are owned by the DAF’s charitable sponsor.

Whether you’re new to philanthropy or looking to enhance your giving strategy, AV Foundation is here to support your journey. With just $10,000, you can open your own donor-advised fund and start making a meaningful impact today.

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Discover how donor-advised funds can transform your giving.

Navigating the Donor-Advised Fund Landscape

Strategies, Benefits, and Opportunities for Philanthropic Impact